Change the climate, change the culture
The Dream
My dream is for every young person to feel safe, valued, and loved.
Ever since I can remember, I have been a dreamer. And most of
my dreams included enhancing the lives of kids. Like many of you
reading this, I wondered, "Can one person touch a life or is it futile?"
I now know it is not futile.
Every person who gives a small part of themselves to Jimmy's Kids
knows that this is not about politics, meetings, or red tape. It is
simply a pure program where every kid knows you care, and for
a short time in their lives, feels special, valued, and loved.
It began in 1988 with 22 special needs kids... and has grown to
thousands. This year we will bring joy and laughter to special
needs kids from kindergarten through fourth grade.
Come experience the magic...
Join us and be a child giving to a child.
Jim Tuman
-- Help us make the world a better place! --