July 2002 RARE Foundation Award Winner
Motivational Speaker - Positive School Support Program
July 2002 Award Winner
Jim Tuman is an advocate and motivational speaker for youth, but he is definitely not the average motivational speaker. He has spoken to over 2 million young people, including students in every state in the nation and six foreign countries, with a special emphasis on the extreme and difficult cases. He has taken his Positive School Support Program into more than 1500 schools, touching the lives of many along the way. With his programs, his sharing and caring, he raises hopes, brings people together, and helps boost self-esteem. He gets young people to look inside themselves, and to build themselves up from the inside out.
Jim was nominated because he approaches his mission with extraordinary passion, and has been successful in making a difference with the lives of literally thousands of young people.
In 1989, Jim also founded Jimmy's Kids, which gives special needs kids and their families a special Christmas. The program started by serving 22 kids, and this past year Jimmy's Kids touched the lives of 14,000 children. The children get a Christmas party with games and food, presents and much needed warm clothing.
Jim said he has two needs; freedom and to make a difference. We know that he has made a difference in the lives of the over 2 million youth he has met along the way. His peers and friends describe Jim as inspirational, giving, dedicated, funny, and motivational.
Jim graduated from Michigan State University, was born in New York, New York and enjoys collecting antiques, participating in parades, and experiencing world travel.