Hi Jim,
Occasionally, I recall the assembly that you spoke at during my freshman or sophomore year (1986 or 1987). More than 35 years later, I am still amazed by the reaction you received by the students that day. You are a very powerful speaker with a special ability to connect. I googled your name today and saw your website. I am very pleased, but not surprised that you are still making a large impact on peoples lives.
Just wanted to let you know that many years later; your message is still in mind; and perhaps, I need to keep it at the top of my mind more often. Wish you the best,
My friend Jimmy Tuman is a real inspiration. He is true to his word and exemplifies what he encourages and lives to serve us all. His life experiences are incredible and have helped to shape his view of the world and his vision of what it could be. Please invest your time into exploring some of his content and thoroughly considering how his teachings can improve your life and those around you.
I have only known Jim for a handful of years, but I feel like our friendship goes much deeper than that. I always know it's him on the phone when I pick up and am greeted by "Hey buddy..." His honesty and compassion are apparent no matter what the topic is, because he cares. He speaks with so many people every day, and still makes a point to follow-up on my personal concerns. He makes it a priority to ask about my family and things that are important to me. Jim has a wonderful way of making you feel special. If you listen, not only hear, but LISTEN to his message; you will learn how great it is to be that person for people in your life.
He is celebrated by numerous organizations, including congressional awards and countless school systems. More importantly, he is celebrated by those who have met him personally. He makes you feel so special and so valuable. It makes a person feel even better when it's possible to elicit those emotions in people around you. We need to spread kindness through our communities and do what we can to improve our piece of this world.
Jim's impact is seen through his non-profit (Jimmy's Kids), the inspirational messages in his motivational speeches, his books, his podcasts, and his actions. I am honored to call him my friend and view him as a mentor that anyone could learn from. I am excited to share more about my experiences with his concepts and successes I've encountered.

Click here to download Climate Changers. A list of impactful solutions to help you take immediate and actionable steps to prevent suicide in your communities.
This article was sent as a letter to world leaders to help spread Jimmy Tuman's mission to prevent teen suicide.

Who will die next?
A 7 year old child has just taken his life. Why would someone so young do this? The reason is that he could not foresee any hope given the desperate situation he was in. This is not an isolated case. Millions of children consider suicide as a way of opting out of their problems. It is out of desperation that they want their pain to immediately go away. Two million children will attempt to take their lives this year, one million will succeed worldwide. This number is steadily climbing. If you have children, one of them could be your child.
As a Global Youth Speaker and children's advocate, I am very concerned. It is my mission to create actionable solutions to decrease this startling number. I am focusing my work to "Save Lives and Curb Teen Suicide."
I have spoken with over two million children worldwide and personally see the pain that they suffer from. During the course of my school discussions each year, students openly stand and speak of their anguish and problems. It is only out of desperation that they turn directly to drugs. alcohol, suicide, crime, and violence as a way out. Were you aware that 3/4 of the children admit to considering suicide? To counteract their hopelessness, I provide a safe forum where they can openly express and discuss their deepest and most troubling issues. My goal is to encourage them to envision hope, teach them to love themselves for who they are and reinforce that someone genuinely cares about them. Please reference my life changing work on my YouTube Channel.
If not resolved, a future generation in turmoil will directly result in a negative fiscal and economic impact. We must not turn away from the problem. We continually see young people commit senseless acts to the point that we are becoming desensitized to the fact that it is a young person taking their life. Suicide has a ripple effect that not only impacts persons with direct relationships to the victims, but also individuals outside of their social circle. In most cases, unforgettable regret is the harsh reality that remains with the survivors.
My impactful solutions and programs over the last 20 years have provided successful outcomes for more than one million children. Please contact me if I can be of service to you or your organization: jim@jimtuman.com
Thank you for caring about the future of our children.
-- Jimmy Tuman